Skincare Tips from Bella Hadid’s Facialist for Mask Wear
As a Celebrity Facialist (AND Bella Hadid’s go-to), beauty insider and industry leader, Kristyn Smith has tons of tricks and recommendations available to you in regards to skin care. If you're anything like me, this consistent mask wearing and change in weather has wrecked havoc on my jawline!
When I think about this new time we’re all living in, I think about face masks and how wild it is that overnight, they became part of our daily lives. At first, they seemed like a fairly easy addition until we started to do things like walking, talking and exercising - that’s when the complications started to arise! For starters, the steam and moisture from our breath creates a warm/damp/dark environment that unfortunately helps bacteria to thrive under our masks. This problem intensifies when we exercise and up the heat even more - especially if it’s something done outdoors with heat on the outside and inside! To combat this, my rule of thumb in this era of “mask life” (which has always been a problem for medical and dental professionals) is to treat them like gym clothes - put them on when the skin is clean and change them or wash them before using then again.
1- Wash face apply light skincare apply a clean mask (it’s ideal to have a variety so you’re not putting on a dirty mask/ I like a clean mask a day - maybe that’s 2 or 3 you rotate between).
2 - Wash face again once mask is off, and yes re-apply skincare.
3 - Use a light face scrub (such as ) and gently buff area under mask to help move those dead skin cells off - do this 1 to 2 times per week.
When we’re wearing our masks it helps to keep the skincare under it fairly light - anything too heavy will not absorb properly due to the mask sitting on top of it (most of our skincare actually evaporates or sheds with our constantly shedding skin cells). So keep skincare light and save the heavy creams for nighttime only! Also consider applying specialty treatments before masking - I love a product called Zyderma (it’s a silver product that protects from harmful bacteria!) It creates a great protective layer that will definitely help to keep the breakouts at bay. Another great option if you’re having a break out and still need to stay masked up for long hours at a time is to try applying a spot treatment. A fav of mine is clay - get a good simple clay mask and apply to breakouts whenever possible - it’s as simple as that! Lastly, whenever possible, try to avoid “mask over makeup” - if it must happen I totally get it, just be sure to check your ingredients and try to avoid anything oil based or with dimethicone, and glitter ;) - keep the makeup as light as possible! Also - now that facials are open (finally!) try to incorporate them every few months to keep the masked skin fresh and to avoid cellular build up.
Also be sure to check out her new product line Adipeau!