3 Herbs for Spring from Herbalist Le’Jai’La
3 Herbs for Spring
By Le’ Jai’ La Troi
As spring begins to warm the earth around us it's time to bring some warmth to our inner worlds. The winter has been a great teacher helping us to go inward and listen. Now we can gather what we have learned and begin to plant new seeds for ourselves.
We have many passions and pursuits lighting our way as we journey forward on our path. Have we been watering our inner soil? Offering some sun to our roots so we can sprout upward and towards our desires? Spring is an opportunity to discover something new about ourselves.
Add these herbs to life to sprout this spring time…
This powerful plant is a radiant light. Offering the abundant energy of the sun while also protecting you as you shine. Great for nourishing the skin and helping you cultivate inner strength. Calendula is a great way to connect with your solar plexus to build your confidence to fully step into yourself.
Cleanse, clear and purify with this detox herb. Dandelion is great for releasing toxins from the liver and kidneys which carry anger as well as fear. Ever pick up a dandelion flower blow and make a wish? This herb can help you clear the burdens to find yourself. Grab some dandelion leaves at your local grocery store, add to your salad, sauté them or make tea.
The message of self love is powerful medicine which is constantly showing up to remind us how to offer ourselves what we give to others. Roses are a perfect addition to your spring renewal. This aromatic herb is perfect to add to your life to release energy and bring in what you want. Grab a rose essential oil, a bouquet for your house or some dry herbs to add to a tea to awaken your heart.
Le’ Jai’ La is a medicine woman who works with sacred plants and modalities to help others come back into alignment with their light. As a reiki master, herbalist and channel who accesses the Akashic Records she has a passion for sharing her knowledge and writing wellness articles. She integrates her understanding of various indigenous and traditional healing practices to empower individuals to discover themselves.
Le’ Jai’ La seeks to curate containers for conscious expansion while providing tools for others to remember their mission in the here and now. She is the founder of Akashic Remedies, a holistic apothecary that seeks to enrich the lives of others through healing modalities, ceremonies, workshops and soon herbal products.
IG: @akashicremedies