Ab Workout: More than just Aesthetics by Rosie
I LOVE a challenging ab workout in 3D. I love to feel just a tiny bit sore + tight in all the right spots the next day.
Obvi, we all love a good sweat + to feel the burn , however, there are so many more benefits aside from aesthetics.
Here are 6 Reasons why I workout that don’t have anything to do with aesthetics.
1. Mental Health + Clarity.
2. Keeping my body open, strong + fluid.
3. Mood booster.
4. Heightens my creativity.
5. Clears my energy.
6. Personal time to restore my energy so that I can show up as the best version of myself.
I challenge you to think about the #1 benefit you gain from working out that has nothing to do with aesthetics!
3D Rx:
2-3 Sets 12-15 reps
1. Sagittal Plane Toe Taps
2. Frontal Plane Hip Drive in Side Plank
3. Transverse Plane Hip Drive in Forearm Plank
Let us know how it goes. Enjoy!
#getrealwithrosie #fueledbyselfcare
Outfit: @carbon38 @beyondyoga